Statement of Faith
Here is the Statement of Faith of the Pelisserie Evangelical Church:
Creator of the universe, he is the only God, sovereign, all-powerful, holy, just and loving. He reveals himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ
The only Son of God, he is the eternal Word manifested in the flesh. Conceived of the Holy Spirit, he was born of the virgin Mary. We believe that He offered His perfect life once and for all as a sacrifice on the cross for the sin of humanity. We believe that He rose from the dead, lives today and reigns for eternity.
Human beings are unable to save themselves by their own works, but can receive the gift of grace through faith in the atoning death of Jesus Christ, which causes them to be born to new life and enter into a living relationship with their heavenly Father. Baptism expresses both death to our old life and our new birth. It is the public testimony of our union with God and our commitment to remain faithful to him.
The Bible
It contains the thirty-nine books of the Old Testament and the twenty-seven books of the New Testament. Fully inspired by God, without error or contradiction in its original writings, it is the only rule of life and faith for believers.
We believe that man and woman were created in the image of God, but rejected His authority. Thus sin entered the world under the influence of Satan. Now fallen before God and unable to save themselves by their own works, human beings can only escape eternal punishment through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
The Church
The universal church is the collection of all genuine believers in Jesus Christ: the local church is its visible expression, wherever they meet regularly to proclaim the word of God, strengthen their faith and worship and serve God. Its primary mission is to give God the glory and honour due to Him through worship services in which the Bible is read, sung, prayed, preached and performed through ordinances (baptism and Holy Communion). Its other missions are to proclaim salvation by grace through the Gospel and to spiritually nurture its members for growth and sanctification.
Come and meet us
Chapelle de la Pélisserie
Rue de la Pélisserie 20
1204 Geneva
You can contact us either by phone on +41 22 311 67 00 or by using our contact form for any questions you may have.
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