Mentions légales et protection des données

Legal notice

Publisher of the site:
Name: Église Évangélique de la Pélisserie
Address: Rue de la Pélisserie 20, 1204 Geneva
Telephone: +41 22 311 67 00

Informations techniques:
Domain name:
Design and development : Visuall Communication Sàrl, Geneva –
Photo credits: Église Évangélique de la Pélisserie

Data protection

The information collected on the contact form is temporarily recorded by the Pelisserie Evangelical Church in a computerised file. We respect your privacy and undertake to process your data only for the purpose of this form: to answer your request and manage your contact data. Your data is kept for 2 years and is intended for our secretariat. You can exercise your right of access to your data and have it corrected by contacting us on +41 22 311 67 00.

1.Registered personal data

1.1 The Pelisserie Evangelical Church records the following data when a submission is made from our contact form on the website: surname, first name, company if given, e-mail address and telephone number if given, as provided by the user.

1.2 The e-mail software we use, like our website, records technical information such as IP address or cookies in a non-personalised manner in order to provide the expected service.

2. Use of data

2.1 The last name, first name, e-mail address and telephone number recorded are used to respond to your contact request.

2.2 Under no circumstances will the addresses be sold or passed on to third parties.

3. Access to data

3.1 We guarantee access to the registered data to every user of one of our services (see 6. Exercising your rights)

3.2 We do not provide any information about the data to third parties, except in the following cases

3.2.1 to the parents of minors for the data of minors (upon presentation of a document proving the parent-child relationship),

3.2.2 to any other person for third parties for whom he/she is administratively responsible, such as a guardian (upon presentation of a power of attorney or a decision of the social or judicial administration).

4. Right to erasure of your data

4.1 We undertake to delete personal data from our systems at the request of the data subject or his/her representatives (see 3.2). Deletion can be achieved by following the procedure described in Section 6. Exercising your rights.

4.2 However, immediate deletion of data cannot be guaranteed in all cases, for the following reasons:

4.2.1 The activity for users residing in Switzerland, the European Union and the rest of the world is managed administratively in Switzerland. Due to the legislation of the latter country, all information related to accounting operations (invoicing, payment) must be kept for the legal period of ten years. If an invoice or payment has been made, the data requested by a service provider or donor can only be deleted after the expiry of this legal period, which is counted from the year of the last administrative operation (invoice or payment). However, we no longer use the address for commercial and promotional purposes with immediate effect. We will delete the data as soon as the legal deadline has passed. For organisational reasons, these deletions will be carried out once per calendar year for all requests that have been made and for which the legal deadlines expire in the year in question.

4.2.2 Providers of information and promotional emails retain the email addresses of persons who have requested to be removed from the service, but block mailings to these addresses. The email address cannot be permanently deleted. The reason for retaining email addresses is to prevent the address of a person who has requested unsubscription from an email from being automatically reactivated when ordering or processing further. These addresses are not stored by us, but by the publisher of the e-mail management software.

5. Cookies, websites and social networks

5.1 We use cookies on our website. Cookies are essential to the operation of the website and allow users to log in. We also use cookies to collect anonymous website traffic data. We will never link this analysis data to the user’s personal data.

5.2 On social networks, anyone can follow one of our pages, “like” it, etc. at any time. We do not store any personal data from their Facebook, Twiter or Instagram pages or other accounts. The providers of these services must be contacted if they wish to access the data. Users can unsubscribe from a page or social network account at any time.

6. Exercising your rights

6.1 You can contact the Église Évangélique de la Pélisserie by sending a message via the contact form on our website. We undertake to provide you with information about the data stored and to process your request within a reasonable period of time (in principle 10 working days, except during school holidays or public holidays).